Extending the Stay of a J-1 Exchange Visitor

Please submit an online application to OISS at least sixty days prior to the Exchange Visitor's J-1 program end date (as stated on the Form DS-2019).

The department/unit must

  • Complete the online J-1 Extension for an Exchange Visitor
  • Issue a new departmental/unit invitation letter (or hire letter)
  • Ensure that the Exchange Visitor has adequate financial resources to sustain him/herself and family members for the extension of the program
  • Inform Human Resources of the extension, if the Exchange Visitor is paid by UNH

The scholar must

  • Provide the sponsoring department/unit with updated financial documentation, if funded by outside sources
  • Provide OISS with updated health insurance information for the duration of the extension
  • OISS will review the application and extend the SEVIS (DS-2019) record, if applicable.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact oiss@866kq.com.